We've got our hands full over here, working on some really exciting projects. Here's a glimpse of what we've been up to:
VIRUS: The Catalyst album is set to drop 12/23/08. It features Mr. Dope Shit Himself (Virus), with tracks by Battletek and appearances by Crooked I, John-Jon, J.U.I.C.E., Melanie Rutherford, and Punch & Words.

D. RICH: A man so hard the government wants to send him BACK to the Middle East, South Side rhyme-spitter D. Rich is working with us on his first full-length album, Boot Camp, which we'll be producing from top to bottom. Boot Camp features guest appearances by some great Chicago talent including John-Jon, Payne, Roze Red, and Virus.
PAUL THOMAS: Comedian Paul Thomas (check out the video for "Tighty Whiteys" in the "Shorts" section of his website- www.bigheadpaul.com) came to us to help give his musical stylings a contemporary feel. Good lawwd, so far the results have been nothing short of hilarious. The song, indefinitely titled "Smackin'," will accompany a music video of the same name. Check back here for updates!